Alliance of Baptists

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Official Denominational Website:

Beginning of Life


The Alliance of Baptists encourages granting access to abortion.

Official Statement: from The Gathering of the Alliance of Baptists in Austin, Texas, "A Statement on Lifelong Sexual Education, Sexual & Reproductive Rights, and Opposing Sexual Injustice and Violence" (2012)

"Faith communities must also advocate for sexual and spiritual wholeness in society. We call for. . . . A faith-based commitment to sexual and reproductive rights, including access to voluntary contraception, abortion, and HIV/STI prevention and treatment." ("A Statement on Lifelong Sexual Education, Sexual & Reproductive Rights, and Opposing Sexual Injustice and Violence")[1]


The Alliance of Baptists encourages granting access to voluntary contraception.

Official Statement: from The Gathering of the Alliance of Baptists in Austin, Texas, "A Statement on Lifelong Sexual Education, Sexual & Reproductive Rights, and Opposing Sexual Injustice and Violence" (2012)

"Faith communities must also advocate for sexual and spiritual wholeness in society. We call for. . . A faith-based commitment to sexual and reproductive rights, including access to voluntary contraception, abortion, and HIV/STI prevention and treatment." ("A Statement on Lifelong Sexual Education, Sexual & Reproductive Rights, and Opposing Sexual Injustice and Violence")[2]

Healthcare & Medicine

Access to Healthcare

Official Statement: from "Priorities for a Faithful Federal Budget: Acting with Mercy and Justice as One Nation under God" (2012)

"As providers of services and care, both physical and spiritual, our members, congregations, and institutions are well-acquainted with the importance of providing access to health care for all people. All individuals, regardless of their age, income, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, geography, employment status, or health status, deserve equal access to quality, affordable, inclusive and accountable health care. Reducing health care options for some based on any of these factors is profoundly unjust. As we examine the interwoven web of access within the federal budget, there are areas of profound concern for the common good and practices of good stewardship. A Faithful Budget will ensure access to quality health care by investing in wellness and making needed improvements in the health care system." ("Priorities for a Faithful Federal Budget: Acting with Mercy and Justice as One Nation under God")[3]

Official Statement: from "Statement from the Board: Expansion of Medicaid" (2016)

"Health care is not a privilege for the wealthy but a God-breathed right for all God’s children as shown in the ministry and miracles of Jesus. In order to reduce the anxiety, suffering and pain of the uninsured in our nation, the Alliance of Baptists joins other ecclesial bodies in calling for:
  • All states to expand Medicaid as provided for by the ACA assuring all citizens who make up to 138 percent of the poverty line would have access to health insurance.
  • Our congregations to offer Medicaid Expansion educational presentations and workshops where Medicaid Expansion has not occurred, including accurate information on what health services are available to uninsured people in the area.
  • Our communities of faith to engage health organizations in their community partnering to amply voices for justice for individuals without health insurance.
  • Individuals to take action for Medicaid Expansion by writing state officials and governors encouraging them to expand Medicaid now." ("Statement from the Board: Expansion of Medicaid")[4]


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