Association of Free Lutheran Congregations

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Official Denominational Website:

Beginning of Life


The Association of Free Lutheran Congregations opposes abortion.

Official Statement: from The Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, "Marriage Family and the Sanctity of Life"

"WHEREAS, the 1977 Annual Conference of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations resolved to oppose therapeutic abortions as a means of birth control and to encourage each congregation and individual to protest in writing to their respective legislative officials; and WHEREAS, the 1978 Annual Conference resolved to continue to oppose the sin of abortion; and WHEREAS, the 1980 Annual Conference reaffirmed the “conservative stand taken by the AFLC based on the Word of God and His Laws concerning the moral issues of our day;” and WHEREAS, the destruction of millions of lives by means of abortion which began with the 1973 Supreme Court decision still continues; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Annual Conference of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations affirms that:
  • the unborn children are persons in the sight of God from the time of conception;
  • the unborn children stand under the protection of God’s command against murder; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we encourage a clear witness on behalf of the sanctity of unborn life, including the support of responsible pro-life groups in our communities, such as “Lutherans for Life,” and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we encourage prayerful support for the development of alternatives to abortion programs, providing compassionate help for those in need.
RESOLVED, that the 1995 Annual Conference of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations reaffirms our biblical convictions that unborn children are persons in the sight of God from the time of conception and stand under the protection of God’s law against murder; and be it further RESOLVED, that the employment of every peaceful and legal avenue to enact laws restoring protection to unborn children be encouraged, while relying on the spiritual resources available to God’s people for fighting the spiritual battle for the sanctity of human life; and be it further RESOLVED, that the conference also expresses its opposition to the violent actions of some abortion opponents, convinced that the violence of abortion will not be overcome by further violence, and that Christians must not take the law into their own hands in opposing evil.
BE IT RESOLVED, that we affirm the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we denounce abortion, including partial birth abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia all as sin and that we pray that these practices would come to an end in our country by losing their personal support as well as any legal sanction; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we encourage our congregations to support pro-life organizations like Lutherans For Life and local crisis pregnancy centers with our prayers and giving; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that we extend a heart and voice of compassion and forgiveness in Christ to those who are experiencing crisis pregnancies or who have been involved in abortion." ("Marriage Family and the Sanctity of Life")[1]

End of Life

Physician-Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

The Association of Free Lutheran Congregations opposes euthanasia.

Official Statement: from The Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, "Marriage Family and the Sanctity of Life"

"BE IT RESOLVED, that we affirm the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we denounce abortion, including partial birth abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia all as sin and that we pray that these practices would come to an end in our country by losing their personal support as well as any legal sanction." ("Marriage Family and the Sanctity of Life")[2]


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