Category:Science & Technology

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Science and technology are rapidly advancing fields which, among other purposes, seek to find new diagnostic tools, treatments, and therapies for disease. In the last twenty years, there have been numerous technological advances in the field of biotechnology including stem cell research, human cloning, and the mapping of the human genome. Genetic research examines questions surrounding such matters as the isolation and testing for genes for breast cancer and the role of genes in behavior. While these advances have helped broaden our understanding of injury and disease, they also have raised a variety of ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas are particularly challenging for Christians who seek to live their lives in accordance with Christian principles. For example, with the availability of genetic testing, should a Christian be tested for genetic disorders? Do genetic causes for behavior excuse personal responsibility for sinful behaviors? This section explores denominational statements on a wide range of biotechnologies, emerging technologies, genetic ethics, and issues in human enhancement.


This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.

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