Christian Reformed Church

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Official Denominational Website:

Beginning of Life


The Christian Reformed Church opposes abortion.

Official Statement: from "Abortion"

"Because the CRC believes that all human beings are imagebearers of God, it affirms the unique value of all human life. Mindful of the sixth commandment—"You shall not murder" (Ex. 20:13)—the church condemns the wanton or arbitrary destruction of any human being at any stage of its development from the point of conception to the point of death. The church affirms that an induced abortion is an allowable option only when the life of the mother-to-be is genuinely threatened by the continuation of the pregnancy. The church calls believers to show Christian compassion and to offer support to those experiencing unwanted pregnancies as well as to those who have undergone abortions. Further, it calls believers to speak out against the atrocity of abortion, to promote action and legislation that reflect the teaching of Scripture regarding the sanctity of human life, and to reject all violence against those who perpetrate abortion." ("Position Statements: Abortion")[1]


The Christian Reformed Church does not take an official stance on the use of contraception, but leaves it up to the discretion of individual members.

Official Statement from "Birth Control"

"Synod 2003 declared that a married couple's decision whether or not to use birth control is a private, disputable matter. The church urges married couples to consider the size of their families prayerfully and encourages them to be motivated by a desire to glorify God and further his kingdom in their family planning." ("Position Statements: Birth Control")[2]

Official Statement from "Life Issues"

"Recognizing the horrific nature of rape and the complex circumstances facing a rape victim, she is not necessarily morally culpable if she takes a morning-after pill. The focus of ministry in such circumstances should be on the compassionate care for the woman." ("Position Statements: Life Issues")[3]

Infertility & Reproduction

Reproductive Technologies

The Christian Reformed Church does not accept or reject any specific forms of reproductive technology, but calls for some limitations.

Official Statement from "Life Issues"

"Although it is fitting for married couples to want to have children, and it is a blessing to have children, there are limits to the lengths to which couples may go in order to have children. Infertility is a result of the fall, and we may attempt to reverse this but only through morally acceptable means." ("Position Statements: Life Issues")[4]

End of Life

Physician-Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

The Christian Reformed Church does not have an official statement on euthanasia, but has been considering the issues.

Official Statement: from "Euthanasia"

Synod has made no official statement on euthanasia. However, in its position on abortion, the church condemned “the wanton or arbitrary destruction of any human being at any stage of its development from the point of conception to the point of death” (Acts of Synod 1972, p. 64). ("Position Statements: Euthanasia")[5]

Issues of Human Dignity & Discrimination

Disability Ethics

Official Statement: from "Disabilities"

“The church pledges to be a caring community, recognizing the needs and gifts of people with physical, emotional, sensory, and intellectual disabilities. Through ministries such as the Office of Disability Concerns (, in collaboration with Friendship Ministries ( and the Disability Concerns office of the Reformed Church in America (, the CRC urges all churches and members to work toward eliminating physical and architectural barriers, attitudinal barriers that make persons with disabilities feel unwelcome, and communication barriers in sight, sound, and understanding. Using the theme “Everybody Belongs. Everybody Serves,” all churches, classes, and educational institutions are encouraged to sponsor events celebrating a Disability Week each year in October. Each class is is encouraged to identify at least one person to serve as a regional disability advocate, and each church is encouraged to adopt a church policy on disability and to appoint at least one member as a church disability advocate.” ("Position Statements: Disabilities")[6]


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