From Christian BioWiki
Official Denominational Website:
Formerly the Baptist General Conference, which was renamed Converge Worldwide in 2008, and shortened to Converge in 2015.
Beginning of Life
Official Statement: from "Resolutions: Abortion" (1981)
- “Recognizing the critical nature and complexity of the issue of abortion, be it resolved that the Baptist General Conference opposes abortion on demand and encourages its members to influence public opinion in this regard and that our attitude toward those involved in abortion and abortion decisions, be able to speak the truth in love, seeking to bring to bear the forgiveness of God and healing through Christ’s body, the church” ("Resolutions: Abortion")[1]
Official Statement: from "Resolutions: Abortion" (1971)
- "Being very much aware of the current concern about the liberalization of existing laws related to abortion; and, recognizing the necessity of periodic reevaluation of laws which are so intimately related to human well-being; Be it resolved that: We exhort our people to be guided by these basic Christian principles as they relate themselves to the controversy and concern surrounding the abortion problem:
- The Stewardship of Life — Human life is a gift from God and as such is a sacred trust. In those areas of human experience where life is so basically involved such as conception and abortion we ought always to be governed by our awareness of the sacredness of life; and,
- Individual Responsibility — We as Christians ought not to regard abortion as a means of evading individual responsibility; and,
- Christian Morality — Since many abortions are sought as a result of an immoral sexual relationship, we must submit that the most effective solution to the abortion problem is the revival of the Christian concept of morality wherein the fruits of sexual relationships are accepted as a trust from God and not an inconvenience to be disposed of; and,
- The Christian community should respond in sympathetic understanding to the individuals immediately involved, whatever action is taken in regard to abortion." ("Resolutions: Abortion")[2]