Conservative Mennonite Conference

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Official Denominational Website:

Beginning of Life


Official Statement: from Conservative Mennonite Conference, "Statement of Practice" (2007)

"We believe God created each human being in His image. All human life is sacred. Any actions and words which communicate anything about the worth, dignity or value of any human being therefore reflect on the honor of the Creator. We believe that citizens of the kingdom should respect life at all stages and should not participate in the termination of human life, whether through abortion, infanticide, murder, warfare, capital punishment, suicide, or euthanasia. We also reject hatred, slander, gossip, and derogatory racial and ethnic comments; these destroy the dignity and honor of human beings as bearers of the image of the Creator. Each person is either our brother or sister in Christ or a sinner for whom Christ died." ("Statement of Practice")[1]

End of Life

Physician-Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

Official Statement: from Conservative Mennonite Conference, "Statement of Practice" (2007)

"We believe God created each human being in His image. All human life is sacred. Any actions and words which communicate anything about the worth, dignity or value of any human being therefore reflect on the honor of the Creator. We believe that citizens of the kingdom should respect life at all stages and should not participate in the termination of human life, whether through abortion, infanticide, murder, warfare, capital punishment, suicide, or euthanasia. We also reject hatred, slander, gossip, and derogatory racial and ethnic comments; these destroy the dignity and honor of human beings as bearers of the image of the Creator. Each person is either our brother or sister in Christ or a sinner for whom Christ died." ("Statement of Practice")[2]


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